Curated by Anna McDonald, New08 was the 2008 installment of ACCA’s high profile annual emerging artists exhibition. The central component of Bond’s room was a (seemingly) randomly organized grouping of art-practice related and household items careful arranged in a symmetrical mirrored formation, titled ‘Mirrorworld’. Principles inherent in Chaos Theory (particularly the repetitive mathematical structures that drive seemingly random or wild natural forms) informed this installation. Another feature of Bond’s exhibition was a set of nine painted books, grouped together in a haphazard arrangement on a plinth. Each of the books shared the same title ‘Flesh and Blood’ yet with different imagined authors, with a variety of designs/formats as if published in different eras through the 20th Century. In addition, Bond presented two duplicate paintings based on sections of Jackson Pollock’s painting ‘Autumn’, and a carefully duplicated arrangement of stationery items on a plinth.