IN THE GALLERY: by chance or arrangement

Charlie Ingemar Harding

10 Mar - 10 Apr 2021

A hessian drop sheet, found on gumtree, located in suburban Sydenham. Paint splattered, hole ridden, partially dip dyed in red by a previous owner.

This single piece of material divided across numerous works unlocks an idea of passage, where each work is not entirely separate but is of a narrative at large; past and future; old and new.

Elusively tethered to the physical world through ghost prints, scribbles and notes of grey lead. These signposts reveal the manufactured; functionality highlighting the economy of their making.

Compositions are painted, sewn or glued together, the physicality of the process is championed. The works offer immersion in a rawness of materiality; a roaming across areas of surface. One may be met by a thread, seam, dollop of glue or field of colour.

A forum of surrender for the meetings and collisions of material. Whether by chance or arrangement.


This work was developed with the assistance of a City of Melbourne COVID-19 arts grant.
Documentation by Janelle Low