As with my other works, I am interested in objects that could be seen to be becoming redundant (cameras, books, etc). With this exhibition I am focusing on magazines. With the recent release of iPad’s and Kindle’s, the days of seeing piles of magazines on people’s kitchen tables are probably numbered. Magazines function differently from books as far as people’s affection for them. People tend to share a fondness (and a protectiveness?) for books, that they don’t for their more disposable cousins but magazines are still incredibly popular. With all this in mind, my 2011 exhibition will focus on magazines. I plan to make around ten-twelve paintings, all the same size and format as the New York, New York work (currently in Sulman Prize Art Gallery New South Wales )
The paintings will be similar to that work, but as that work is a pile of New Yorker magazines, each canvas in this show will be a pile of different magazines. One will be a pile of Vanity Fair’s, one a pile of Wallpaper’s, one a pile of Vogue’s, another New Yorker one etc. Each pile will have a different number of magazines, some very tall stacks, some smaller (but never less than about 20-30). The show will have a very minimal appearance and the works will be hung (in no particular order) in a line. Here is a quick mock-up of what the works might look like (but in the show there will be more and the paintings will look different, as each magazine has different spines. For example, Vanity Fair spines are all white with black text, where as others might have images on them etc). – Victoria Reichelt