Marian Drew has been selected for the University of Queensland National Artists' Self Portrait Prize to be To be opened by Elizabeth Ann Macgregor Director, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney and judge of the 2009 Prize. Other Australian artists who have been shortlisted for the prize include:
Rick Amor (VIC), Del Kathryn Barton (NSW), Lyndell Brown & Charles Green (VIC), Peter Churcher (VIC/Spain), Lucy Culliton (NSW), eX de Medici (ACT), Julie Dowling (WA), McLean Edwards (NSW), Leah Emery (QLD), Shaun Gladwell (NSW), Cherry Hood (NSW), Linde Ivimey (VIC), Leah King-Smith (QLD), Sam Leach (VIC), Lindy Lee (NSW), Rhys Lee (VIC), Fiona Lowry (NSW), Gabriella & Silvana Mangano (VIC), Amanda Marburg (VIC), Dani Marti (NSW/UK/Spain), Tim McMonagle (VIC), TV Moore (NSW), Dennis Nona (QLD), Scott Redford (QLD), Luke Roberts (QLD), Julie Rrap (NSW), Darren Siwes (SA), Martin Smith (QLD), Christian Bumbarra Thompson (VIC), Alick Tipoti (QLD, Judy Watson (QLD), William Yang (NSW), Heidi Yardley (VIC)
The University of Queensland National Artists’ Self-Portrait Prize highlights The University of Queensland’s commitment to developing a National Collection of Artists’ Self-Portraits.
Friday 27 November 2009 - 24 January 2010
Image : Marian Drew, Genevieve (detail )